Measuring Success for Students of Color

Dear colleagues and friends,

In February 2020, members of the IB College & University Relations Committee (CURC) engaged in an important dialogue on the topic of measuring success for students of color. Several educators representing secondary and higher education came together for an open and meaningful panel discussion on this topic.

On behalf of IB, we would like to share this content with you and members of your school community. We recognize that current circumstances has encouraged colleges, universities, and K-12 schools to have renewed and extended conversations about access and equity for all students, specifically students of color.

The IB is committed to supporting colleges, universities, and school communities, globally, as they engage in relevant, timely, and necessary discussions about quality education for all students. We believe that when members of school communities provide access to quality education and consider success factors to support students of color, education becomes the pathway to create a better world.

We hope you find the content impactful. If you’d like to learn more about the role of access and equity in an IB Education, please contact a member of the IB Outreach and Development Team at [email protected].

Stay safe and stay healthy,

Antrina, Bob, Jonathan, Marie and Robert