Governor Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement for Students, Oct. 4, 2021

Depending on the date of full FDA authorization, the Governor is targeting either January 1, 2022 or July 1, 2022 for adding COVID-19 to the list of required vaccines. He noted that there would need to be sufficient time for students to receive the vaccination prior to the “next school term.” He also stated (consistent with current law for vaccines not specifically added to the list by legislation) that exemptions for both medical reasons and personal belief would be available for the COVID-19 vaccine requirement.
Following full FDA approval, Governor Newsom suggested that the COVID-19 vaccine requirement would be implemented in two phases with students from 7th to 12th grade first and younger students following. 
Please note that this announcement does not change the current CDPH Order requiring vaccination or testing for all K-12 staff working in school facilities by October 15, 2021. But the Governor stated that the testing option would be eliminated for staff in the future so that the vaccination requirements for staff are at least as rigorous as those for students.
Abe Hajela
Partner | Capitol Advisors Group