State Budget Update - 2023-24 Education Budget Agreement



2023-24 Education Budget Details


2023-24 Education Budget Deal Highlights

The 2023-24 State Budget is expected to contain the following highlights for Pre K-12 Education:

·       $108.3 billion Prop. 98 Guarantee, the higher number proposed by the Legislature

·       8.22% COLA for LCFF and some categorical programs

·       $300 million for Equity Multiplier and accompanying LCAP reform, with some changes from the original proposal

·       $1.6 billion reduction to the Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant, which will reduce the amount LEAs received by about 20%

·       $200 million reduction to the Arts, Music, Instructional Materials, Discretionary Block Grant, which means LEAs can expect a second apportionment that is about 10% less than the first one

·       $80 million for Juvenile Court and Community School programs operated by county offices of education

·       Clarifies TK early enrollment rules and definitions

·       Requires 1:10 adult to student ratio in TK classrooms beginning in 2025-26, states Legislative intent to fund ratio, but strikes funding contingency language

·       $2 billion (non-Prop 98) for the School Facilities Program

·       $56 million for childcare family fee reimbursement

·       An additional year extension for charter schools whose term ends between January 1 2024 and June 30, 2027

·       An additional year moratorium on new non-classroom based charter schools with a required study by the LAO and FCMAT

·       and more...

What's Next?

While technically any of this is still subject to change before a final budget deal, multiple sources within the Legislature and Administration tell us they do not expect any further changes to education and that the remaining issues holding up a deal are not education related.

The main state budget bills must pass the Legislature and be signed by the Governor before July 1 in order for the state to have authority to spend money in the 2023-24 fiscal year.

This year we've seen significantly more disagreement over budgetary issues between the Governor and Legislature than in any other year since the state budget vote threshold was reduced to a simply majority (down from 2/3).

We will keep you posted on the status of the overall state budget deal and update you in the remote chance that anything related to education changes in the final deal. Our budget workshop schedule will be available within the next couple of days - we intend to do most of them the week of July 10. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact any of us if we can provide additional information.




Caitlin Jung

Legislative Advocate | Capitol Advisors Group