17 IB Courses Approved by University of California

The courses that are revisions for honors weight should automatically change to honors weight on your school A-G list as long as the current course is on your school list by the UC deadline of September 15. You shouldn't need to do anything else.
The new courses are the Math A/A HL2 and Math A/I HL2. Schools won't be offering them until 2020-2021 which is the first testing year for the new math courses.. CAWS and IBO wanted to get the courses approved in advance as many schools have early deadlines with their districts to get new courses district approved and this will aid in this effort.
Many thanks again to the teachers and schools who helped with these submissions! The power of California IB educators working together to achieve common goals is beautifully demonstrated through the 17 courses submitted to UC since May 31, 2019!!!
Thanks again to the teachers and schools who helped with these submissions!