Invitation and Update from Michael Winsatt, CAWS President



            I hope your school year is off to a good start and hopefully some of the challenges you’ve faced over the past couple of years navigating the uncertainties brought on by the pandemic have begun to subside. All of us at CAWS recognize how trying these times have been. Our mission is to support the efforts of all IB schools in California, and we want you to know we’re here to help no matter the question, concern or need. We will begin the year hosting a number of virtual roundtables, seminars, and other events. We are hoping to return to having an in-person spring seminar event in February. Of course we will continue to advocate for our member schools with International Baccalaureate, politicians and governing bodies locally and in Sacramento, and in working to increase university recognition throughout California. We’re also hoping to expand the number of sections we’ll be offering at our IB teacher training workshops at Granlibakken in Lake Tahoe next summer to support your professional development and training needs. 


            Our first event will be a virtual coordinator roundtable hosted by CAWS and Kelsey Day, our IB regional manager, where we’ll be discussing strategies for supporting your new teachers in learning about IB and listening to your concerns and questions so that we can plan activities to further support our members. This event will take place on Thursday, September 22nd at 5:00. The Zoom link to this event is provided below. 


            Thank you for your continued support of CAWS and for being a member of our sub-regional association. Here’s to a successful, and hopefully less disruptive, 2022-23 school year. Let us know how we can help.


Warm regards,


Michael Winsatt

President, California Association of IB World Schools (CAWS)




CAWS Coordinator Roundtable

Hosted by Michael Winsatt

and featuring

Kelsey Day, IBO


Time: Sep 22, 2022 05:00 PM Pacific Time




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